Let’s try this again… #SuperSHRED Round 2 Week 1

Ok. So I disappeared. I know I did. And I sincerely apologize to each and every one of you that found inspiration in this blog. I lost sight of my end goal… let the depression sneak in… and let my life get overwhelming. I didn’t give up entirely. I still stuck to the program as much as possible… but there were the days of eating out and not exercising and well just not making the best choices overall.

I still feel like this is one of the best plans on the market. I’ve bought into the SHREDDER NATION craze. I find so many wonderful and uplifting stories on the other support groups. I see the struggles in others that we all face. I have seen first hand the RESULTS you get if you just do it. And it’s not asking too much. It’s pretty straight forward.

I’ve got friends & family that have joined in. Some are starting today… GOOD LUCK GUYS!!! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!!

But for Round 2 I am going to make changes…. I think for me and blogging I’m not going to commit to everyday. I will do my best to post everyday but I’m not going to put that pressure on me. I think that’s where some of my missteps fell last round. I feel like while I was doing OK in the diet, I was failing on the Blog and then my failures came in both places… I have no intentions of failing anything this go round. I am going to stick to the plan as best as I can. I am going to see more results than my 15 lost gain back 5 overall 10 gone in Round 1.

So let me just say again I’m sorry to all of my readers. I’m also going to say I’m sorry to myself. I let myself down and in return let you guys down. I’m not a perfect person. I will never be. But I am going to do my best each and every day to work on this and continue my journey to a better me.

Dr. Ian posted on Facebook today that DIETING IS 80% MENTAL AND 20% PHYSICAL… Oh what words of wisdom there… I totally need to KEEP my brain in the game.

So GOOD LUCK to you on whatever Stage of this journey you are on. I’m continuing on… Starting SuperSHRED over again… Here’s to Round TWO Week ONE Day ONE!!! AND I AM SO EXCITED TO GET THIS GOING AGAIN AND REMEMBER WHY I STARTED THIS ALL IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

My online Words of Wisdom for the Day…

#SuperSHRED W3 D2&3 – Yoga & the Down Day…

Today is Week 3 Day 3 for me. And for some reason I am having a mental down day. It’s not that I am sad about anything in particular just not this full of energy happy self I’ve been since I started the diet. The only thing I can see is that last night was pizza night. I’d skipped the pizza the last time it was an option but with the busy schedule thought why not?! So I’ve been eating super clean for a while and then had pizza last night and I feel like blah. Not sure if it’s the reason… but I won’t be looking forward to pizza for a while. Not liking this feeling. It’s like I just want to go curl up in the bed and maybe cry a little… ugh… hate this!! Part of the struggles with depression I am sure. But was hoping I was past these days. I guess one day in quite some time isn’t so bad. I should start trying to focus on the positives…

Yesterday I felt great! We started a program at work called Yoga Tuesday’s where we do an hour of Ashtanga Yoga during lunch time. I really enjoyed the class and feel lucky that our company is willing to do things like this to help improve wellness. I look forward to participating in more classes… and am sore today from stretching some muscles I haven’t in a long time!!! I think it’s important to try new things and challenge yourself when you can. I was super nervous about doing the yoga class and while I broke a sweat and wasn’t perfect… I had a good time and learned new things.

Tonight when I get home I am going to force myself to do the Burn 27 workout again. It wont take long, kicks my butt, and maybe will kick this crappy feeling out of me. I hope everyone is doing well on their journey. I’ve got to keep telling myself just take things one day at a time. I still believe in this diet and lifestyle and know I will be a SHREDDER for life.

I can do this!!! 🙂

i can

#SuperSHRED Week 3 – & the W2 vacay….

It’s the beginning of Week 3… which means weigh day!!! I am down another 2.8 lbs!! I am so thrilled that the weight loss is continuing down… even with the vacation I took at the end of the week last week. I was worried I might gain…

The end of Week 2 was not so bad as far as the food goes. I struggled getting in my water missed the timing of a few meals while out of town and I did not exercise… BAD GIRL!!! However, I had to find a new bathing suit while there and I was able to buy a size I haven’t been able to in YEARS!!! Especially in a bathing suit!!! I even talked the sales lady at the store into giving SuperSHRED and SHRED a try!!! She’s been struggling and she just said I was so cheerful (which I am and everyone has commented that I’m the happiest I’ve been in years) that she wanted to know what I was doing. I am not afraid to talk about this diet with people. I’m not saying it’s the easiest diet to follow. It takes planning and it takes discipline… but what things in life don’t that you want to succeed in. I am saying for ME it has been one of the easiest diets to fit within my lifestyle. It gives you choices and it gives you the ability to succeed. It doesn’t set you up for failure like so many I have tried (where if you eat a chocolate covered almond bc well it was there and you wanted it… it was like you just ate 20 chocolate cakes and you must start everything over because you’ve doomed yourself). SuperSHRED even gives you the option to have those dang chocolate covered almonds for a SNACK!!!!

Yes- some of the people around me have been hearing about how much I believe in this diet and how much it has helped me feel overall (not just the scale moving down… though I must say that is a great perk!) I have friends asking for me to send them the info or let them borrow the book (I haven’t been able to let my copy go- I still NEED it!!!) I feel like a kid shouting from the rooftops… This works! It makes sense!! I’ve met so many people on the FB support group that talk about how it has changed their lives and that they will be a SHREDDER for life!! If you want to know more comment. I’ll be happy to tell you more!!! With everything else I have ever tried I get those bummed out days where I just don’t want to diet… I want to eat what I want… but with this one… I have been completely content with all the choices I am given!! OK GETTING OFF MY SOAP BOX!!!

SO since I didn’t workout on vacation, I decided to take a little over a 2 mile walk at lunch today. It is a beautiful day! And it felt so nice to get outside. I hope I have the energy to do the Burn 27 DVD when I get home. I’ve missed it!! 🙂

Week 3 seems to be a lot different than the last two weeks. You only get 2 Meals but get 4 snacks with an optional floating snack if you need it. I will say I had a late start this morning so I was only able to get some fruit and a bite of cereal down. So I took my 1st snack as a protein shake so I wouldn’t be hungry. My shakes are 160 calories and this first snack is only 150 so I just didn’t drink the whole thing. Here is my plan for today!

SuperSHRED Week 3 Day 1 Meal Plan
Meal 1: Strawberries + cheerios (only a bite)
Snack 1: Protein Shake
Snack 2: Apple
Snack 3: Potato w/ Salsa
Meal 2: Chicken + asparagus + peppers
Snack 4: Granola Bar



Over 1600 views & 11 diff countries since starting #SuperSHRED I’m only on WEEK 2!!!!

Thank you so much for all of the support. I hope that I am able to inspire some of you and you join me on this journey. It’s been a long struggle for me. But I’ve found something I believe in and it’s working!!

Much love to you all!! And join the #ShredderNation if you haven’t already!!! 🙂

Dr. Ian Smith’s Website